Date sent: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 00:32:34 +0100

autumn and London bushes and trees suck the last drops of sparse water from the ground to equip their seeds with juicy skin, tasty transportation tricks tempting animals to feet the seeds, walk them far away in mouths, on tongues, in stomachs.

Added: tastedimension of city offered only nature-savvy non-natives' skilled palates,
Added: nutritional treats, by busy city-dwellers not eating nature thought poisonous,
Added: eat that city, berry by berry
Added: key of existence, city secretly on my tongue releasing pink sweet jelly from toxic seeds of taxus baccata
Added: high of knowing edible from deadly a milimeter apart,
bonding of city by fruit knowledge,
U say U know London?
well, I 8 it